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A Guide on Lease Purchasing Furniture

Every year, approximately 35.5 million Americans move to a new home. There are many reasons why people relocate. For some, they may be moving to their dream home, whereas others move in search of opportunities.

Moving to a new home can be exciting yet equally scary. This is because, in addition to paying the deposit for your apartment, you may also need to purchase new furniture. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry anymore.

Okinus furniture dealers offer a range of finance options that allow you to lease-purchase furniture. All you have to do is use a furniture financing calculator to figure out how much you can afford to spend on rent to own furniture.

Furniture Buying Tips

1. Do Not Choose in Haste

When it comes to selecting an apartment, people often visit a few vacant listings and then choose one that’s convenient for them. This should also be the case with furniture. Once you have been approved for furniture financing, take your time to find a set that will complement your apartment and the furniture you already have.

The first thing you should consider is your lifestyle. Do you have small children or a pet? If yes, avoid bright colors and fabrics such as silk that can be stained easily. Also, consider the level of maintenance required. For wood pieces, inquire about the durability of the finish. This will save you unnecessary hassles later on.

2. Remain Within Your Budget

After using a furniture financing calculator to determine how much you can comfortably afford, stick to that budget even if you are approved for more money.

3. Work with Measurements

Before you even start choosing furniture, you should know the size of the space it is intended to occupy. Working on visual estimates alone is a recipe for disaster. You may end up choosing a great set that doesn’t fit in your apartment or one too small that makes your apartment look empty.

Also, consider the size of the doorway and whether the furniture will need to put in an elevator or carried up three flights of stairs. Where elevators and stairs are involved, it is better to avoid over-sized and oddly shaped pieces.

Who Can Benefit From Rent to Own Programs

1. People with Bad Credit

A recent FICO study indicates that over 43.3 million people in the US have a bad credit score. It goes on to suggest that this number is poised to rise because of unemployment, foreclosures, and credit card debts.

Bad credit comes with adverse effects such as

  • High interest on credit cards and loans or complete lack of access to such facilities.
  • Difficulty getting an apartment.
  • Lowers your chances of getting a high-level job.

However, Okinus stores offer bad credit financing that gives you access to new furniture and helps you improve your repayment history.

2. Cash Strapped Individuals

In the US, the average cost of furnishing an apartment is approximately $ 8,000. Because the average American household has an average savings of $ 4,830, raising such an amount to purchase furniture may be difficult.

This is where lease-purchase financing for furniture comes in. You do not have to worry about raising the money at once or dipping into your emergency fund. The entire cost is spread over 12 or more months.

This makes the cost manageable. However, you should also be careful not to over commit your resources. Figure out how much you can spare every month, and then use a furniture financing calculator to determine the value of furniture you can afford.


A home should be the one place where you are most comfortable and can relax after a long day at work. As such, it is essential to have high quality and comfortable furniture. This is why Okinus stores offer furniture financing to help you access the comfort you deserve.

Just do a simple check on a furniture financing calculator, find out how much you can afford and come collect your furniture. It really is, as easy as it sounds.

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