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Valentine’s Day Tips for Applying for Credit

Valentine’s day necklace with two hearts pendant and a ring on red rose.

Valentine’s Day has a way of sneaking up on everyone. If you have a special someone this year that you would love to show your appreciation for, jewelry is probably high on your list of things to get. If you don’t have the cash on hand, you can consider applying for credit.

Take a Look at Your Credit Score

One of the first steps that you’ll want to take when applying for credit is to take a look at your credit score. While ideally, it would be nice to know what your credit score is with all three major bureaus, it’s not an absolute must. Pull your credit score from Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion. Most lenders will provide a minimum credit score that you must have to get approved for credit. When you know what your credit score is, you can be assured that you only apply to lenders who accept your credit score. This will minimize the number of hard inquiries that end up on your credit report.

Know How Much You Want to Take Out

Before you apply for credit with Okinus Credit Solutions in South Pelham, Georgia, it’s a good idea to know how much money you’re looking to borrow. A quick look online at jewelry retailers can provide you with a ballpark price for the type of jewelry that you intend to purchase for your special someone. This will help to ensure that you don’t ask for too little or take too much credit out.

Understand Your Payment Obligations

It can be easy to rush the credit application part of the process to get closer to purchasing the jewelry that you want. However, you must take the time to understand the payment obligations that come along with any credit plan. This way, you can be assured that it will fit within your
budget without overextending your finances.

More specifically, you want to take a look at what the interest rate is and the monthly payment amount. For revolving credit accounts, you can contact the issuer to determine what your minimum monthly payment would be for the amount of money that you plan on taking out. For rent-to-buy or lease-to-buy loan programs, you’re going to be given a term length and a fixed monthly payment by the creditor.

The Various Benefits of Using Credit for Your Next Jewelry Purchase

When you decide to use credit for your Valentine’s Day jewelry purchase, you can get approval even if you have a bad credit score!. There’s no need to wait until it’s paid off to actually obtain your jewelry. Purchase solutions allow you to provide that special someone in your life with the gifts you want them to have without having to wait for months until you save up the funds. This type of purchasing solution also helps to build your credit score so that it’s higher in the future.

Using credit to purchase jewelry for your special someone this Valentine’s Day is completely possible with the help of Okinus Credit Solutions. Be sure to contact us today to get the credit that you need.

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