Fast, Flexible and Friendly
Digital Strategies for Contractors

Seasonal, Email Campaigns

Seasonal email campaigns are campaigns that happen throughout the year. These email campaigns can be requested by retailers; however, we do reach out before the holidays and ask retailers for their participation.

Customized Email Campaigns

Customized email campaigns are campaigns YOU can choose! If you have an idea, just pitch it to your Area Manager and they will get everything in the works. High quality jewelry from the latest brands to suit your personal style.

Apply Anytime

Our application by text message program allows customers to fill out an application with Okinus directly from their mobile device from any location.
At Okinus, we are here to help you win!
All The Resources You Need In One Spot
As a certified Okinus retailer, you can take advantage of our FREE marketing services to help increase foot and web traffic into your store.
Okinus has created a website that you can visit for any digital needs that you may have.
If you are looking for web banner to go on your website to promote Okinus Lease-Purchase Financing, you would find it here. If you are looking for a special graphic to use on your business’s social media, you would find it here as well.
Simply visit and browse the valuable resources we offer. Okinus keeps graphics and videos updated so you will have the latest material available.
Okinus also provides videos that showcase Okinus testimonials from certified retailers using Okinus in their stores.
If you need additional assistance, quickly fill out an online form and one of our Marketing Team members will follow up with you promptly.